Past Events

Ignite Men’s Conference

Imagine joining 10,000 men—fathers, sons, brothers, seekers and Christ-followers—coming together to worship God and learn more about the life of true adventure He intends for us. Even more, imagine a two-day event packed full of workshops, exhibits, and fun around the stuff that men love: hunting, fishing, football, motorcycles, racing, extreme sports, and other outdoor…

Fellowship Meal

Join us for some good food and fellowship and bring a dish to share if you can. Hope to see you there!

Christmas Nativity

Come join us at Cas and Debbie’s for hot chocolate & cookies by the fire as we remember the birth of the Lord Jesus!  

Fun & Fellowship Night

Tonight we will watch a recording of Jesus Christ Superstar – the play that Terri helped with doing costumes. Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

Safety Team Training

If you are a member of Lifesong’s safety team and need details regarding this training time please check in with Jay or Daniel. God bless your day! The rain date for this event is April 15th.