1. Cas and Debbie Grys

    Thank you for this wonderful message Sam, it was very good. Though it did feel weird, having church this way, we did enjoy waffles with maple syrup while enjoying your message.
    Stay safe and well and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

  2. Thank you Pastor Sam for such encouragement this morning! Yes the armor of God is the only way to get through satan’s evil ways!!! Wonderful words of our Lord Jesus Christ to keep us on this path of life no matter what it brings next!!!!!

  3. CHRISTINE Moyer

    So nice to hear your comforting voice and strong words during such a difficult time in our society. I pray that God continues to fill you with the wisdom needed to herd our church family and others into salvation. Blessings always Sam!

  4. Jane Unbehagen

    Thank you for going through the armour, piece by piece. I gained great wisdom and strength to face the mighty challenges of this life.

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